Thursday, 5 February 2015

Question 4 podcast script

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

The internet was a technology that i used in all stages of my project. Without the internet it would be impossible to research, plan, construct and evaluate my project.

The search engine google was also a key part of my project. Without google i would not be able to directly complete research tasks and construct the final video. The main focus of google in my project was the sign in platform that allowed me to log into blogger.

I had used blogger in year 12 for my thriller film work, this allowed me to be comfortable with the layout and therefore experiment with more technical features of my blog and the overall layout of blogger itself. I was able to create labels for my posts allowing easier navigation around my blog for my audience and also for myself. As i was comfortable with using blogger and the basic templates it supplied i looked online for custom templates that would suit the genre and the music video i was creating.

The main technology that i used throughout the project was Youtube and Vimeo. Youtube allowed me to find official music videos in the research stage that i could analyse. I also found many past student examples of videos and evaluations that i analysed in the research stage and evaluation stage of the project. Youtube does not allow you to download the mp4 videos legally and therefore i had to source a new website that would allow me to download the music videos. This is why i used Vimeo. Vimeo allowed me to download the music videos and therefore used elements of them in the research. Also Vimeo allowed me to download the original Hopeless wanderer video that i then incorporated small amounts of the original video into my final music video. During the construction of the project, i used youtube to post the updated drafts of my final music video and also during the evaluation posted my question 1. This evaluation that i am now doing will also be posted on youtube.

Social media website Facebook allowed me to share the drafts of my music video and allowed me to gain audience feedback from my peers. During the construction and evaluation stages i was able to post surveys on Facebook to allow my target audience to have a say in what genre and type of music video i chose to do and also during the production stages what they liked best about the music video and also the final ancillary tasks.

These surveys were created using survey monkey. Survey monkey allowed me to create professional standard surveys similar to those used by major corporations. the layout of the surveys was basic and official and allowed those taking the survey to realise the seriousness of the questions and how this data would help in the construction of the video and evaluation.

During the research of the project i used slideshare. slideshare allowed me to  share powerpoint presentations on my blog. These presentations were mainly analysis of music videos and presentation of theorists such as Andrew Goodwin. Slideshare is rather basic as it is just a platform for sharing power points. power points has a limit on effects and pathways of the slides.

Prezi however is a powerpoint style website that has a custom style to it. it allows presentations to have different pathways and themes such as space and a football pitch. In accordance with the many fonts and transitions available, prezi makes the presentation more fun and enjoyable to watch and read as an audience.

The use of my laptop allowed me to continue working on blog posts and research outside of class time. also at home i watched many music channels on television. tHese channels including Chart show, clubland, Kerrang and vintage tv allowed me to analyse videos of different genres and also analyse videos from different timepreriods such as the 70s and 80s. By watching videos from the 80s i was able to clearly see the influence that MTV had on popular culture and also music of the present day.

In the evaluation i used glogster - a poster style page that allows the embedding of video and still image. The poster layout is similar to a noticeboard with pinned memos attached to it. This allowed me to create a custom layout for my third evaluation question and also allowed me to create the mood board for my music video by incorporating many images and overlapping them to create a collage.

During the construction of the video and ancillary tasks there were five technologies that i used that i simply could not have created the projects without. The first was the HD cam corder, which allowed me to shoot high quality crisp shots and create professionalism in my video.

The shots i took would not be as professional without the use of a tripod. The tripod offered stability in each shot and also the adjustable height allowed different shots to be created. These included long shots and over shoulder shots. During the editing process i used Final cut express. This is a program used by professional editors and film studios. Final cut provided a larger amount of titles, transitions and effects that i could use in my video. I could've used iMovie but this is less professional as it has a limited number of effects, transitions and titles for the music video.

During the ancillary tasks i used photoshop to create my Digipak and launch advert. Photoshop allowed me to use images from my video and incorporate effects such as  vignette and sepia tints in accordance with the folk genre. Photoshop is used by many professional marketing companies and therefore allowed me to create professional products that would not look out of place in music magazines, iTunes, Hmv and other Cd suppliers.

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